Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mostly Grey

This week was character dress up day for Grey's school.  I knew there would be lots of Harry Potters but how many Ron Weasleys do you think there were?

I think just one...

He had to bring a book that went along with his character. He took Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, I told him he should tell his class that he read it that morning before school, ha ha!

Grey is also learning how to ride a bike.  There is so much new stuff that goes along with starting Kindergarten.  It's like they grow up over night.

He'll be just like them before long...

Grey told me there was a boy in his class crying because he missed his mama.  That broke my heart, I hate to think of any of those Kindergarten babies crying for their mamas at school.  Grey said he went and held his hand as they walked back to their classroom.  He has the sweetest heart.

I don't want to go into to much detail because I may jinx the whole situation, but so far this week I haven't had to spend 12 hours in the ER with anybody and our girl has been like this all week...

New shoes always make a girl happy, right?

We are looking forward to a three day weekend and the start of college football.  Cooler temps, football and fall, it really is the most wonderful time of the year!!

Thanks for checking in on us.

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