Thursday, August 26, 2010

School Days

The G-man started 4K this week which means that all the brothers are now officially back in school.  SK and I had one day to ourselves that we spent getting pedicures with friends and then it was back to therapy for us.  Here are the brothers on their first days of school...

Cooper 4th grade...


Jacob 2nd grade...

and Grey 4K...

Oh and I forgot, it was blankie's first day of 4K too...

Hello?  Carpooling on the first day...he thinks he's something...

They won't be this excited about school next week I can assure you.

Grey and his friend getting into their new pack of markers...

Getting their game day faces on...

Alright sister this means that it's time for us to get back to our regularly scheduled therapy too girl, let's take a nap and then get right back to the therapy thing.

No one is more grateful that Grey has started school than me.  Here's what the two weeks were like from the time the older boys started school until the time Grey started school...let me set the stage...we were on the way back from the bus stop (everyday) when Grey says to me "Mama, when do we get to pick the brothers up from school?"  Me: "Grey we just dropped them off at the bus stop, they haven't even arrived at school yet."  Nevertheless I am thinking, wow it's going to be a long day.

SK and I love our time together, but we sure miss those brothers, they are gone way too long from us during the day.  Thanks for checking in on us. 

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