Thursday, September 27, 2012

12 Years Ago

That day 12 years ago is still so fresh in my mind, September 25, 2000.  I remember the room, the excitement, the smell and all the feelings I felt all at the same time.  Your daddy was right beside me the whole time, both of us with no clue what lay ahead as we anxiously awaited the arrival of our firstborn.  That day we added the most important title we would ever carry to our resume...Mama and Daddy.

At 3:44pm an 8lbs. 4oz. baby boy made his way into the world and into our arms.  We were then thrown into a crash course, Newborn 101 in which we were required to function on little to no sleep and jumped up to every cry, fuss and squeak we heard come out of that tiny body.  Out of necessity we became adept at diaper changes, bottle feedings and burping (the baby not us, ha ha).

I would start the phone calls after every well child visit reporting on his weight and length.  I bet he wouldn't find that to cute if I were to post his stats today, huh?  He's a bit to old for that I guess.  He's too old for 9:00 play dates at the park and his Thomas the train set.  He's old for his big Tonka dump truck and his favorite show "Bear in the Big Blue House" too.  A play drum has been traded for the real thing and pretend phones have been replaced by the real deal.

We are in a constant state of change from the time we are born until the day we are called home and while I can't hold him in my lap anymore (not comfortably anyway) I love the age he is at now.  We have some wonderful conversations and at least for now he still wants to talk to me and spend time with me.  

Yes, things are different than they were 12 years ago.  He's different and I am different, but I wouldn't change a minute of this wonderful journey we have been on together...mother and son.
Psalm 71:6-8 "By You I have been sustained from my birth; You are He who took me from my mother's womb; My praise is continually of You.  I have become a marvel to many, for You are my strong refuge.  My mouth is filled with Your praise and with Your glory all day long."

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