Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Fresh Perspective

We received some good news late last week. Sophie Kate now has a nurse that will be coming to our house two days a week for 4 hours each day. This is something we have been waiting for since last summer. It is provided to us through our Medicaid services, the only thing is you have to wait for a nurse to become available through the providers they use. We have come close two other times but it just ended up not working out for various reasons. So we have continued to wait and continued to pray. Of course I knew deep down inside that God already had the perfect nurse picked out for SK and for me...the waiting was just so hard...isn't it always?

We met her this past Friday and she is so right for both me and SK. I feel so good about her, she just jumped right in with Sophie. She is totally hands on and touchy feely and truly knowledgeable about taking care of my girl. I know she is going to be a great fit for our family and I am so grateful for the heart she has for my daughter and other children like her. I had so wanted to have nurse in place by this summer so that I could get out and do some things with just the boys while they were out of school...God's timing is indeed always perfect. He provides for us in such a kind way.

I ran across something over the weekend by Andy Stanley (Pastor of North Point church in the Atlanta area) and it has stuck with me. It has to do with all the talking and for lack of a better word "whining" that I do about things not being fair. Well, we all do it, I just happen to have my doctorate in "feeling sorry for myself" and/or "whining" about how things are not fair. We end up judging ourselves based on those around us and subsequently find ourselves thinking that we are better than or more godly than someone else.

The fact is...we are all un-god-like...we are all ungodly...yes, just as much as our neighbor who doesn't go to church at all (Andy Stanely added that one in not me, but I thought it was funny and true nonetheless). Do I really want to be judged fairly by a Holy God? Absolutely not...we do not really understand how bad off we are b/c of our sin b/c we are always comparing ourselves to those around us and we can always find someone who we deem "worse off" than us. When we compare ourselves to a Holy God we see just how dire our situation is. We need to be (and if we are Christians we are) engulfed in His grace, His mercy and His forgiveness.

All of these things...God's grace, mercy and forgiveness...we are not worthy of and we certainly have done nothing to deserve, but in the eyes of our Savior, Jesus Christ...we have value. In the eyes of our Creator we have worth. In the eyes of our God, we have a purpose...we are a part of His plan.

As you can tell my heart has been convicted about this "big time." I loved this fresh perspective and I am thankful for a loving God who is pouring out His love, grace, mercy and forgiveness to me afresh everyday instead of leaving me in the despair of my own sin.

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

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