Monday, September 22, 2014


We brought our girl home on Friday.  I could not have been happier to have my family all together this weekend.  It's so unnatural for us to be spread out here, there and everywhere.  It's necessary sometimes but getting us back together is almost all I think about.

This surgery seems routine to most, I know, but Sophie Kate does nothing by the book.  Removing the tonsils of someone who already struggles with their airway, presents a whole new set of potential problems and challenges...and our girl always keeps folks on their toes.  She had a very difficult surgery day.  I knew it would be a hard day, but 5-6 hours in the recovery room is not an experience I ever want to repeat and I know Sophie Kate feels even stronger about that than I do.

The hours that followed in the PICU were equally difficult as we hung on every number on the monitors and every alarm that sounded minute by minute.  We went to bat for our girl pleading for time before the decision would be made to re-intubate her.  They don't know her like we do. We knew that all she needed was time for them to see what she could do...this girl is so strong.  The looks on the doctor's faces was priceless.  They could not believe she did not have to be re-intubated.  I love to see a little 6 year old girl prove medical people wrong.  See it all goes back to the "they don't know her" thing...and I love it when she leaves them speechless.

This thing isn't going to be easy any time soon.  I've heard stories about how bad this stuff hurts and we are seeing that in our girl.  Now that we are home, the recovery starts and I am told that days 5-7 can be rough.  I pray that God whispers to her heart, her mind and her hurting places and takes the pain away from her.  That little girl in pain is a weight I cannot bear, God give me the strength to care for her as I sit by her side again.

This picture says everything I cannot say about our home...
Him and Her
They are all that is good in this world.

Please continue to pray for her recovery.  We are ready to see those smiles come back and stay for a while.

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