Thursday, November 8, 2012

Champs and Checkups

In all the excitement of SK turning 5, I forgot to mention that Grey's flag football team took the top spot in their division.  

Trussville Chargers, 1st and 2nd grade Champs!

 They were so excited, what a fun season.  

I can't believe it's only a few weeks until Thanksgiving.  I have got to start shopping for Christmas.  I am usually way more on top of things than I am this year.  With flag football being over, we have seamlessly transitioned into basketball.  We had basketball evaluations this week but we'll actually have a few free weekends before practices get started...yay!!

So you've turned 5 Sassy, now what?  Well, you get a trip to the doctor's office for a well checkup and shots, "Happy Birthday" to you.  She's the only kid I know that still leaves the doctor's office smiling after 4 shots, she took it like the tough little girl she is.  I should probably refrain from telling her weight although it is certainly nothing to be ashamed of, but she may be a bit too old for that. However, for those of you that see her on a regular basis and always comment on how tall she is...well, your right...she's 47 inches tall which puts her in the 97th percentile for her age.  

She's doing so well, growing, happy and still smiling.  Her birthday has come and gone and I do feel a sense of relief. As I let go of all that "5 years ago" stuff, I can't help but think that SK was post surgery last year around Halloween and her birthday.  She wasn't able to get out or dress up or really have much of a party last year.  She was in that brace for so long and we were home bound.  So thankful for the healing that has taken place, for the health she has enjoyed over the past year and for that smile that continues to right our world.

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