Monday, April 25, 2011


Our group Easter morning...

Don't they look so compliant, I wish I could tell you that they are like this all the time and that I didn't have to threaten them within an inch of their Easter candy, but I can't tell you that, ha ha.

The boys, before I threatened their Easter candy...

Some sweet moments I don't want to forget...

-My 5 year old referring to the Chris Tomlin song "Our God" as his song.  "Mama, can you play my song."

-Jacob asking me if he could worship with us in "big church" on Easter Sunday (1-4 graders usually attend children's worship).

-Cooper teaching his brothers and sisters about the Resurrection of Christ using our Resurrection Eggs, each egg has something in it that tells the story of our Savior's death, burial and Resurrection.

Yes, he wore the boots.  I couldn't hardly get him to wear them all winter long, but Easter Sunday is going to be the day he decides to take a stand with the boots, thanks G.

The brothers always made sure that SK had eggs in her basket, they are so sweet with her.  I hope she always feels like she's a part of everything we do.

It was a beautiful weekend here, so thrilled to spend it with these 4 and their dad.

Thanks for checking in on us.

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