Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow Days

Our snow/ice storm hit Sunday night and continued into Monday.  Here in the south, when snow and ice are in the forecast, we lose our cotton pickin' minds.  I know that's a very southern statement, but it so applies here.  We run around like mad gathering supplies and ridding all grocery stores within a 50 mile radius of milk and bread.  Seriously, people were snapping pictures of empty shelves where stores had been ravaged, it was so funny and so southern.

We ended up with a layer of ice, snow packed in the middle and then topped off with another layer of ice about 2 & 1/2 inches total.  Didn't make for ideal travel conditions, but all elements were in place for some serious sledding.  

Y'all this sled was Chad's when he was little, it's a total antique, ha ha!  The boys had a ball on it and it flew over the ice.


Chad brought this wax covered cardboard home from work.  It held up surprisingly well as they skidded over the ice.

As for the little sister, yes she did venture out into the ice and snow and even took a turn on the sled with daddy just to say she did...

but she preferred the warmth of the indoors and her PJ's to the "snow angel" look, although her sweet little mittens just made my day.

I got some short videos of the boys sledding if anyone but me is interested.  They insisted on finding the steepest place they could which ended up being our neighbor's driveways.




Thanks to grandparents and Academy sports we were able to properly outfit these boys for many hours of trekking and sledding out in the snow and ice. 

Waterproof gloves and hand warmers, check...

Toboggans, check...

Boots and foot warmers, check...

Best snow days ever, double check!!

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