Monday, January 31, 2011

The Boys

The boys don't get near the air time on the blog that SK gets, I know that.  Sister is quite the diva and likes lots of attention, but this one is going to be all about the boys.

We had baseball evaluations this past weekend and as I said in the last post, it's got me longing for spring baseball.  All three boys are playing this year, so in about a month, our weekends will consist of practices and games.  SK is used to following the brothers around from sport to sport and field to field.  Now we don't let the boys get over scheduled with too many activities, everyone gets to pick one thing.  The thing is though we have 3 boys each picking one thing, that's where strategic planning comes into play on our part.  For Sophie Kate that strategic planning means lots of ball games in her future, ha ha.

We had late basketball games this past Saturday so we got to enjoy the beautiful morning at home.  This is why I still lay out the clothes the boys will wear to school each day...

Seriously, this is no joke.  He sees absolutely nothing wrong with this ensemble.  It makes perfect sense to him, it just made me laugh and while it may not be appropriate Monday through Friday, it is more than appropriate for a Saturday morning in the backyard.


They are happy when they have on their old clothes and their boots.

Cooper could spend all day in the woods only coming in for food from time to time if we lived in a such a place.  He doesn't get that opportunity all the time, but he takes advantage of it when we are at my parent's house.

This one is my snuggle bug.  I appreciate a kid that knows when he's tired and puts himself to bed, he really does that sometimes when he comes home worn out from preschool.  On Saturday mornings he comes and gets in our bed and snuggles down in the covers.  I get so jealous of him when he does that while I am having to get up, it's not fair. 

Oh and did I mention that he is hilarious...well only about 50 times on this blog I'm sure, but dern y'all, he is.  We laugh at him and with him daily.

They are such a treasure to us.  We answer their questions about their sister very honestly as they ask them.  We don't put anything on them that they aren't ready to handle concerning her.  Their compassion toward her is amazing.  These big, rough boys are so tender and gentle towards their sister, it's so sweet to watch their love for her grow and develop in such a special way.  

I know I said that this post was all about the boys but she can't be separated from them nor does she want to be.  She knows when they are home and we are all happier when they are home with us.  Friday nights are my favorite.  There is nothing better to me than all of us all together in this place with nowhere to go and nowhere we have to be.  I'm so thankful for ordinary days with these boys.

Galatians 4:6-7 "  Because you are His sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out "  Abba Father."    So you are no longer a slave, but God's child; and since you are His child, God has made you also an heir."   

Thanks for checking in on us.

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