Monday, January 24, 2011

A Legacy of Faith

Over Christmas break, I had the privilege of being able to sit around a beautifully decorated Christmas table and visit with many members of my family.  We all get to see each other about 2-3 times a year and it is always a good time when we do get together.

In this case, it was a few days after Christmas and we had decided to branch out and get some of that great Memphis barbecue, the best barbecue there is I might add.  After the kids eat and the grownup have had their fill, there is this wonderful time of fellowship and conversation that always takes place around the dinner table.  It's one of my most favorite times during our gatherings.  

We tell stories of our childhood, give each other a hard time and laugh our heads off.  It's not planned, it's not scripted, it's just spontaneous and it just happens whenever we are all together.  We found ourselves at this particular time remembering my grandmothers.  They have both been rejoicing in heaven with our Savior for many years now.  It has taken me years to get to the point where I could speak about these ladies without balling like a baby, but as we sat around the table and spoke about them, it just seemed to flow so naturally.  

We told funny stories that we all remembered about them and it was just a neat time together.  I was struck by something though as I sat engaged in our conversation, surrounded by family who had known me all my life or all their life...there's a comfort in that, you know...being back in the arms, homes and lives of these people you will always be connected with no matter where you live. 

I was struck by these wonderful women who, along with my daddy, raised me or who were raised with me, both those who were present in flesh and those who were present in spirit.  What a legacy of faith I have to draw on, these Godly women who saw fit to raise me and love me enough to show Christ to me consistently week in and week out.  I now know how truly difficult that is having children of my own and being tested by them (can I get an amen?) and by the flesh each and every day.

I also found myself surrounded by my sister and my cousin who are in this journey of motherhood with me and who like me are striving to raise children who love God more than they love "stuff."  It isn't easy but we are able to share our victories and difficulties with each other in the hope of "spurring one another on."

I am thankful to have them in my life and to be able to draw from their strength and perseverance in their pursuit of a Christ-centered life.  Now I am a daddy's girl through and through, we couldn't get more alike if we tried.  He has been outnumbered by us girls all his life and since we are of one mind, most of the time, I know he feels the same way about all these women as I do.  All this over barbecue?  I told you it was good stuff.

Hebrews 10:23-25 "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

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