I am nothing special, not like she is. I am a sinner albeit a sinner saved by grace but nevertheless a sinner. I have not ever done anything to make me worthy of the complete trust she has in me.
She requires so little to be happy...food, water, her medicines and a comfortable place to sit or lie down, those are just the basics. Then there is sharing the love of God with her, spending time with her and giving her some TLC whenever and wherever it is needed.
I am not her teacher...she is mine and there is so much to learn from her if you will allow yourself. She's a perspective changer and a priority organizer. She has taught me not to take her brothers for granted. She is teaching me about having a relationship without words. These things must sound familiar to you if you are a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. I believe He is teaching me all these things about Himself through her. God reveals Himself in our circumstances and in our surroundings and I can see the hand of God in my life everyday if I will just let go of the fear and open my eyes.
She is teaching me to love without expecting anything in return. Who am I that I get to share in her life?
Psalm 45:11 "The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord."
How beautiful...you are a sweet mama to a beautiful girl!
You have a BEAUTFUL family. Wow. I learned from you. Thanks.
She is so pretty . I had twins --they are 20 now my daughter has cp which happened from a ventilator beating 400 times a min. The cp affected my daughters legs mostly. My daughter and son are a blessing and you are right about God turning our circumstances for his good. I have become a better person because of my children. I also know that whatever God has helped me through I can help someone else. Be Blessed my friend.
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