It's a great chair but we were looking for something a bit more relaxing and this is what we came up with.
Her very own papasan chair...
Although this is what has been happening every morning after the big kids go to school and I turn cartoons on for this guy...
And then sometimes he's nice enough to share her own chair with her...
So sweet...
I'm not completely sold on the chair yet, we are still giving it a trial run. Sometimes she sits a little funky in it and it doesn't look like she's comfortable at all...
And then sometimes she looks just as comfy and snugly as can be.
Oh to be able to sleep that kind of sleep again. Alas, I think it may be gone from me forever. Can you hear the jealousy coming through yet?
Your daughter is so beautiful! I ran across your blog from Kelly's Korner and cannot get over how similar our situations are - my son Bennett is 2, has CP due to an oxygen depletion at birth (after a normal pregnancy), has a g tube, has seizures, cannot sit/stand/walk/talk, and is our total JOY. The journey has been far from easy, but God has been so incredibly faithful. Our website is:
BTW~ I love that purple chair of Sophie's- supportive positioning is always a challenge for us as well, so I feel like I could ask you 100's of questions. Feel free to email me at thank you for sharing your story and for being such an inspiration! Your 3 boys and daughter are all absolutely adorable. All the best, Kelly S.
I know where SK and I will be snuggling next week!!
Kelly, I will be contacting you soon. Thank you for your kind words. I always love connecting with another mom out there.
Christine, it is the best snuggle spot. I may catch you two napping when I come in, ha ha!
She is glad to read your story
What a ministry
I have a few free hours to visit new blogs and catch up with friends... One of my favorite past times. Hope you will stop by mine. This is my ONE YEAR Blog Anniversary and there are LOTS of prizes everyday this week and next....I am celebrating the entire month.
i like very much. actually i don't time to spend on blogs.but when i saw your blog, you stopped mine.
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