She is showing her sweet personality more and more. We know what she likes and more importantly we know what she doesn't like. We have a schedule that we can all live with and we have a precious daughter and sister that we want to be a part of everything we do and the great thing is that she wants to be a part of everything too.
My mom likes to talk to SK whenever she calls and this was just one of those times...
Girlfriend comes from a long line of talkers, I know her Mimi would be proud...
Look at that face...
Sister wants to do and experience everything everybody else does and I forget that sometimes and there she sits on the sidelines. So when I see things like this it reminds me to get her out there and get her involved in life as much as I can no matter how small it may seem to me, it's a big deal to her.
Psalm 16:11 "You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
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