That has been the reason for no new posts in a week...the kids and I spent Spring Break at PawPaw and MiMi's house, while Chad stayed home and worked himself crazy installing hardwood floors in our hero. We had a great week even though it started out a bit cool in North Mississippi. It didn't seem to bother the kids though, the grown-ups were the only ones complaining about the weather.
There were lots of outside adventures to go on and exploring to do...
Of course no trip to PawPaw and MiMi's would be complete w/o hours and hours spent on the zip line.
The boys love my parents little bad their parents are mean and won't let them have their own dog.
Grey's favorite was taking Duchess on walks and giving her treats...she probably gained 5 pounds while we were there.
This is normally what we found at the end of my parent's street...3 bikes, 1 scooter and 1 plasma car all abandoned for adventures in exploring.
After much begging and pleading, we finally caved and much to my dad's and Cooper's pleasure and enjoyment, Cooper got his very first bb gun...
We roasted marshmallows...
and ate smores...
and looked darling doing it...
There's lots more to report...we went to the Memphis Zoo as well as the Children's Museum and also squeezed in a 4 year old Star Wars birthday party. Not to mention that our gross dirty carpet is now a thing of the past and the hardwood floors are absolutely beautiful. It's just all too much to be contained in one post, more to come later.
Thanks for checking in on us.
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