Happy Birthday G-man!
It was a zhu zhu pet birthday...he got the critter and all the stuff to go with it, he had a ball.
We went to the Children's Museum in Memphis.
This is Grey snowboarding...
Kids of all ages love playing in the water...
They had the funnest grocery store there...
where you get to check your own self out...
One day was spent at the Memphis Zoo...literally y'all one day, 10:00 to 4:00, yeah it's a big zoo.
We saw this...
and this little cutie...
and this just b/c it makes me laugh...
We also did lots of this...
and of course this...
You know whenever you are out with children and they know you have snacks you will stop and eat and stop and eat until they have finished every last thing you brought and then they will still say that they are starving.
By the end of the day they started wearing down...so it is possible to tire these kids out.
but not until one last picture...
Sophie Kate did you have a fun time at the zoo? I'm not sure she did, what do y'all think?
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