We actually converted our dining room into SK's room, she was originally set up to bunk with a certain little red head but circumstances dictated otherwise so we rolled with the punches the best we could.
Those sweet pink floor length curtains...I finally had a reason to get them...two years ago.
Sophie Kate's crib bedding, it was love at first sight.
Ok, one of my very few crafty moments...I actually painted those letters for SK myself, I also did some for Grey too since they were going to be sharing a room. Alas, it seems since then all the craftiness that was left in me has departed. Please note the bows to the left of SK's name.
Please note bow display #2...girlfriend will not lack a matching bow with any outfit thanks to hand-me-downs and gifts from friends and family.
There were so many precious things that were given to us when Sophie Kate was born, one of the most personal were these three paintings done by a friend of mine. The picture in the middle with the cross on it has the verse "Every good and perfect gift is from above." James 1:17 and then the picture at the top has the verse "The Lord is the One who goes ahead of you; He will be with you, He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." Deuteronomy 31:8. Chad and I clung to this verse, even reading it now brings back such a flood of memories, such an unbelievably difficult time, but the Living Word does not return void...He will never fail us!
This one is Sophie's life verse "The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save, He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17. Oh baby girl, your Creator delights and rejoices over you, you are indeed a blessed daughter of the King!
Now if you will please turn your attention to the ceiling. Yes, that's right SK has decorations on her ceiling. We have 4 darling little butterflies hanging from the ceiling in SK's room.
I really didn't think this post would run that long but it seems that it has. I would love to share with y'all some things that can be found in and around Sophie Kate's room but I think that stuff is best saved for another day.
Oops, I almost forgot the most important thing that makes SK's room the sweetest...
Thanks for checking in on us, have a great weekend!!
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