Friday, April 10, 2009

In Christ Alone Our Hope Is Found

I hope my friend doesn't mind me plagiarizing her facebook page, but I thought this was so interesting.  Our calendar coincides with the Hebrew calendar this year, so as we remember today, Good Friday, we can know that it really was on this very day that Jesus was crucified for the sins of the world.  On this very day, the Son of God was mocked, beaten, abused and ultimately died b/c of my sin and your sin.  On this very day, God showed mankind the amazing, unfailing love that He has for us.  A love so deep and so pure that He desires for none of us to die w/o knowing Him and w/o having a relationship with Him.

Praise God, that the story doesn't end there.  Three days later Jesus rose from the dead and shattered the curse that sin had on our lives.  Because of the death and resurrection of Jesus, we can be forgiven of our sins through His shed blood.  He lived to die so that when we die we can live, if we have asked Him to be Lord and Savior of our lives.  Oh, I pray that you have.  There is no way our family could have gotten through the last 17 months w/o leaning on falling into the arms of our Savior.

I so need to hear myself say these words b/c most of the time  I want to scream that "it's not fair."  I feel angry about what has happened to my little girl and I blame God.  I ache and I hurt and then I decide that I am going to handle everything myself.  I wonder "why" and let myself believe that I will never be able to get past this and then I think there is no way God still loves me or understands what I am going through and yet through it all He continues to love me, strengthen and comfort me with His unfailing love.

So let's rejoice that our Redeemer LIVES and that in Christ alone our hope is found......


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