Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Doctors, Therapy and Baseball, Oh My!

We have been visiting way too many doctors offices lately.  Nothing major just your everyday run of the mill draining of an abscess, a scope for SK's airway b/c of her "noisy breathing" and then coughing, sneezing and all manner of other gunkiness.  When we left the doctor's office today, we all realized that SK may actually make it a whole 3 weeks before we have to see a doctor again.  Wow, wouldn't that be something.  On that same note, I have to tell y'all that we are trying to get SK on the Medicare Waiver program.  Well, one of the questions we were asked in our telephone interview was "Do you see a doctor at least every 3 months?"  Chad quickly replied, "Oh that we could get to the point where we ONLY saw a doctor once every 3 months."  My other favorite question that I am asked every time we go to an appt. and/or are admitted to Children's Hospital is "Do you see any other specialists for your child?"  My response?  "Yes, lots" and I leave it at that, thinking to myself, please don't go there, neither you nor I have that kind of time today.

Anyway, back on track to the doctor's appointments.  The gross drainage is gone(yay), SK's little bellybutton area still has some healing to do, but it is looking much better.  We saw her ENT b/c her "noisy breathing" seems to be getting nosier.  He put a flexible scope into her airway and looked down to her vocal chords (not fun AT ALL), but actually concluded that she doesn't look as bad as she sounds.  I'll take it, good day sir.  No seriously, considering everything our girl has been through and how many times we have heard that everything will be fine and then it isn't, I was thrilled with a "things don't look that bad" report.  He said at this time he would not recommend any intervention since she didn't seem to be in distress.  Of course he couldn't leave us without one last "my goodness she is quite noisy though."   That's my girl.

Lastly, SK does have another cold with coughing, sneezing and bringing up all manner of secretions.  Even now I can hear the familiar sounds that come from her room all too often.  The droning sound of the humidifier, the repetitive turning and clicking of her feeding pump, and the familiar sound of SK's breathing that we have all grown to know and love around here hopefully helped out tonight by being propped up on her wedge.

Despite all that we have been dealing with over the past week, Sophie Kate still continues to feel better physically from her surgery a little over a month ago.  The more I see her regain the more I am reminded of how much she truly lost and how much that surgery set her back.  She is sitting with minimal assistance from me for a few seconds at a time.  She hasn't done that since Valentine's Day and I mean wouldn't even entertain the thought.  She is also rolling over again from front to back.  I know, I know that used to be one of her favorite tricks but she hasn't done it for almost 2 months.  Guess what...she's back rollin' rollin' rollin'.  Putting weight on her feet and trying to stand also used to be a favorite past-time of Miss Sassy, that's been absent for months as well, until last week at Wet Tots.  She did a lot of standing with her teeny tiny ankle weights, no joke, she totally rocks her itsy water weights.  She is also attempting to put some weight on her feet outside the water as well.  Thank you, Jesus!

On a completely different note, we are all pumped that baseball season has finally started around here.  It is a welcome distraction for SK and I from doctor's visits, therapy, classes and the many other evaluations and appointments we have every week.  I love the sounds of the ballpark, especially Grey's running commentary whether from the bleachers or from the dugout.  Oh yes, he's so close to the action that he can actually smell it, eww gross!

I'll leave you with this picture from Cooper's last baseball game after a beautiful slide into 2nd base.  That's right baby, there's no crying in baseball.

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