These were taken when my camera and I were actually getting along.
I love them, but not near as much as I love this beautiful girl that has come into our lives and changed each and every one of us without a word ever spoken.
She is so full of life, so happy and content to just be herself...Our Memorial Day cutie...
This may be my most favorite summer picture ever...
"...where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" 2 Corinthians 3:17. Thanks for checking in on us.
Hi Amye Jo,
Beautiful pictures. I wanted to ask you a question. I see that you put Sophie Kate in a lot of dresses. How do you do a tube feeding with a dress? I don't put my daughter in too many dresses because when I need to feed her, it is hard to get to the button. However, I would love to have her wear more dresses. I would love to hear how you manage it.
Thanks so much,
SK gets 3 tube feedings during the day, but it's not by gravity, it is on a pump. SK has never been able to handle too much formula at one time. So we just hook her up and let it run about 30 minutes at a set rate.
It ends up just looking like a long cord coming out from underneath her dress. She doesn't get exposed b/c like you I have gotten to where I can do that stuff in my sleep, so it's not like I'm having to hike up her dress or anything like that, it's still very discreet. Hope that helps.
Thanks, Amye. We just got a portable pump, so with the longer tube, perhaps it will work. I am just so concerned with being discreet and modest, and that never worked when we were doing bolus feeds.
Thanks so much for the help. :)
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