The boys totally delivered.
They sang everything that all of us die hard Bon Jovi fans truly want to hear. Jon knows his audience there is no doubt about that.
He took us all the way back to 1984 with "Runaway," then back to the present with a little bit of his new stuff and didn't leave out a thing in between. "You Give Love a Bad Name" was the second song he did and let me tell you that place about exploded.
(Note: you may have to actually click on the pictures to see them in all their blown up glory...or again maybe that's just me)
I loved that it was not beneath him to sing all of his big hits b/c you know the song "Bad Medicine" certainly was not the pinnacle of his writing career but he sang it nonetheless and we all got down and wallowed in the memory of it with was great!
It was so fun and as you can see from the picture above he gave it everything he had. He's still got "it" even after all these years. I must say, the years have certainly been kind to him.
They ended their encore with "Wanted Dead or Alive" and "Livin' on a Prayer," Awesome!
The Bon Jovi audience has definitely changed over the years. I saw some people dressed with a little bit too much throw back to the 80's. I wanted to say to them, "Jon is not still clinging to the 80's look, if he has moved on then maybe you should too," but I will say it did make for some good "people watching."
I am trying to remember some things surrounding my first Bon Jovi concert...I was probably 13 or 14. The things that consumed my mind then were things like acid washed jeans and miniskirts, laying out and how incredibly big I could make my hair. Well many years later I found myself driving to my second Bon Jovi concert in a 'bout that! Thanks to all my sweet Facebook friends for the supportive/encouraging comments like "Face it, cool has left the building" and " Are you are still going to think you're cool when Bon Jovi is playing at your nursing home?" Those were just two of my favorites. The best came from Chad on our way to Nashville Wednesday morning. "Hey, did I tell you what my doctor said about my cholesterol? It was pretty interesting." We really have come a long way baby, you just cannot make this stuff up. Wasn't it bad enough that we were going to Bon Jovi in our minivan? Did we really need to delve into our medical conditions/aliments as well...we both busted out laughing.
A huge "thank you" to our moms for making this trip possible. I appreciate their willingness to take our girl on. I know there was some apprehension and nerves but they never let that get the best of them. They did a fantastic job. Thank you both.
We had the best time, we laughed our heads of at ourselves and at others. We were just a couple again. For 32 hours no one called us "daddy" or "mama," we were just Chad and Amye. It was weird and fun and so unlike us in "real life." Thanks was the concert of a lifetime for me, I had a ball.
Amye-you are soooo my hero! And I think (from one minivan mom to another) you are the coolest! Thanks for the details I was reading and biting my nails at the same time! Love me some Bon Jovi...always have, always will!
That is so funny time they come back around we can go and ROCK our minivans together, no shame!
Love the concert pictures!!! oh, if only I could have rented a t-top camaro and driven to see them too!!!
Tracy Moore
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