I have been very excited for Grey to get his elf this year, so you can imagine my horror when for the first week after his elf arrived he kept referring to him as his scarecrow. Why, for the love, why? He is a darling little elf dressed in elf clothes and a little elf hat, but no, I kept getting asked, "Mama, where's my scarecrow? It's not a scarecrow Grey it's an elf, stop calling it that!!"
Yes, they are all wearing bandanas...don't ask...that's just how they roll.
Meanwhile our elves have been running around engaging in various mischievous activities around the house. You've got your standard snowball fight with cotton balls, the elves added a new twist to that this year and brought out qtips like they were throwing spears at each other, cut us some slack we have 3 boys. You've also got your standard toilet papering of the family room.
Birch, Georgie and Jackson have also mixed it up a bit this year by playing a heated game of Star Wars monopoly one night, I think Grey's elf was actually winning. They have also been in SK's room getting into trouble in there as well...SK was not amused.
They love watching Christmas movies and TV shows with the boys. In particular, they favor just hanging out and watching the boys play video games. They totally make me laugh when the boys set them up on the kitchen table at night with their crackers, cups of water and magic snowflakes.
Who knows, maybe the elves will hang the boy's underwear all over the Christmas tree again this year. It is a fan favorite around here, they are boys after all.
Merry Christmas!
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