Well, we weren't quite that early but we did do the Christmas decorating "thing" last weekend and by we I mean me and the boys. Daddy helps with the boxes but that's as far as it goes for him. Although he does know that it brings me joy to put up all the Christmas stuff, so he sacrifices and brings up box after box way earlier than he would like to.
It does make me happy to see the warm glow of Christmas tree lights after the sun has gone down and all the lights in the house are off, it always has. It's such a special time of year to spend with children. During a parenting series at our church recently we were reminded that we only have a certain amount of weekends left with our children until they are grown and out of our house. It was frightening to see that number flash up on the screen and then get smaller and smaller signifying the fleeting time we really have left with our children at home with us. Wow, I hate to even think about the small number of Christmases we have left with everyone under the same roof. Isn't that such a pleasant thought, leave it to me to bring the crowd down. How on earth did I get so off task? This post really wasn't supposed to be sad and pitiful, but it seems as though I just can't help myself.
Alright, back to the fun stuff, decorating for Christmas...
SK is always fascinated by all the lights at Christmastime, they really get her attention. So we set her in front of the Christmas tree and let her look to her heart's content.
You will always find SK up on all the latest trends. Someone is keeping her hip to the animal bracelet craze...I think it was Jacob.
And speaking of some of my "helpers," here we have the naked chef...
and the naked sous chef, ha ha I couldn't resist that one.
Sophie Kate looking up at the Christmas tree....awww baby girl what I would give to know what you are thinking. Probably that we are all making too much fuss about what Christmas is not about and not enough fuss over what Christmas is really about. You get it don't you sweet girl, probably more than we think you do.
I am comforted by this truth, that when we suffer and die for Christ, it only means that we will begin living with Him in Heaven. Even when we are too weak to have any faith left, He remains faithful to us and will help us, for He cannot disown us who are part of Himself, and He will always carry out His promises to us.
2 Timothy 2:11, 13
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