We have had such a special and memorable Christmas this year. I have to start with a funny story though, leave it to us, right? We headed out to Christmas Eve service at our church. Everyone was dressed and behaving reasonably well considering they were very excited about waking up to Santa's toys laid out everywhere the next morning. We arrive at church and Chad lets me and all the kids out at the covered front door b/c it was raining and very cold outside. I just decided to carry Sophie Kate in myself and asked Cooper to follow behind me with the stroller. So we all go in the front door, me and SK leading the way with 3 boys and a stroller following.
Let me just set the stage for you...there were people milling about here and there greeting each other with a hug and a"Merry Christmas," the church was serving various hot beverages such as coffee, hot chocolate and my personal favorite, hot cider. There were carolers singing and it was just an all around lovely atmosphere.
Cooper happens to see someone he knows, not a big deal right? Please remember he still has the stroller, which is still fine until his friend waves to him and then he waves back and then he rolls the stroller right into the baby Jesus. Yep, that's right knocks over the baby Jesus in the wooden Nativity right inside the front door of the church. Hello everyone, the McManics have arrived for Christmas Eve service. It's the kinda thing that makes you want to find out where we are sitting so that you can sit as far away from there as possible, doesn't it? Oh everything turned out fine, we set the baby Jesus back up and there was no harm done and most people were none the wiser.
They don't look a bit excited do they?
This was the first year that we were at our house on Christmas Eve. We usually spend Christmas Eve with Chad's family but we did that on the 23rd instead of the 24th this year. So this meant that we had to come up with something for everyone to eat after church. Chad and I both knew that a traditional southern Christmas dinner was out of the question b/c we didn't want to hear, "Ewww what is that?" and "Gross, I don't like/want that." We decided to make something that everyone would eat and something that we could all sit down and eat together. Are y'all ready for this? We had tacos/taco salad. I am not joking...everyone ate w/o a fuss, nobody complained and we all enjoyed it. So there you have it, how many of y'all can say you ate tacos on Christmas Eve and no they were not from Taco Bell.
Feliz Navidad!
Lots more Christmas fun to come, thanks for checking in on us.