While therapy has certainly been on the "down low" this summer for Miss Sassy, the end of July has brought some major changes to the landscape of our house. I am happy to say that we now have two new (to us) pieces of equipment for SK that I have been trying to acquire for some time. We got both of them on the same day, isn't that something? SK now has a supine stander (like the one I mentioned 2 posts ago) and a gait trainer! The supine stander I believe we get to keep indefinitely at this point and the gait trainer is on lone for a couple of weeks while her therapists work on getting Sophie Kate one of her very own!!
In the meantime we are keeping very busy here with all the standing and scooting around the house we are doing. SK can't maneuver the gait trainer around our house by herself b/c there is too much going from hardwood to carpet so we help her roll it around, but she is still picking her feet up and stepping all by herself and doing a great job of it.
Both of these new additions give Sophie Kate the opportunity to view things from a more upright position, to sit/stand like we do and to be a part of things and interact from a different vantage point. She totally loves being a part of all the happenings of every day life, it's a beautiful thing to see. I can actually be in front of her now and see her sweet face and all her reactions instead of always being behind her b/c I was usually holding her.
In times like this when we are experiencing such highs over here you would think that I wouldn't be thinking about the first few months of her life, but I have been. I guess the place we are at now puts the place we were at then in such stark contrast it's hard not to see it. Just last night I called Sophie's name from across the room, where I was and the way she was positioned she could not see me, but when I called her name and started talking to her, her arms and legs started moving and she started turning her head and smiling like she was looking for me. In a small, cold, unfeeling hospital room, I was told "she may never know who you are," those words were said to my face. Praise you Lord that is not the case! She may not be able to say "mama," but everything else in her says it! How GREAT is our God!!
Since we don't have any pictures/video up yet of our girl doing her "thang," I am going to leave y'all with some shots of Miss Sassy getting her swim on. Oh yes y'all know there will be video, I won't leave you hanging. Thank you for your continued prayers for our girl.