We're back and let me just start off by saying that the first day back is a bear! We are dragging around here like zombies. It was so nice to have a break from everything-school, baseball practice, our regular routine and even computering. Yes, I was a good girl, I didn't even take my laptop with me. We spent the week at my mom's house visiting with my sister and her family and lots of cousins. It was a good break especially getting away from the regularness of life here.
First things first, Sophie Kate seems to be doing better. I'm afraid to even write that for fear that things might take a turn for the worse again, but I do want y'all to know that we haven't had a "major crying episode" since Thursday.....shhhh don't tell SK, we're keeping it on the "downlow." She does have a cold that we saw the doctor for 2 times before we left to go out of town, unfortunately it is still with us. Hopefully, she will be able to fight this one off herself, we'll see.
As for Spring Break, the jury is still out, in my mind anyway, about who had more fun, the boys or Chad, who let me remind you had 4 days in the house by himself with peace and quiet. My vote is unanimous for Chad but I think the boys would veto me huge on that one.
Here's a little glimpse of how we spent our Spring Break....
The boys had biscuits with gravy/jelly and sausage balls every morning and as for me, my mom bought my favorite coffee creamer, so I was a happy camper too.

Then there were brand new legos for everyone and that was just the first day, how am I supposed to compete with that?

SK enjoyed her second favorite thing to do, sitting outside. Her #1 favorite thing to do is for someone to hold her while she sits outside, can you say SPOILED!

Sophie Kate on a happy morning before her bath.

My niece Emma Claire loves to help with SK, don't let Grey give you the wrong impression here. Emma Claire had helped me give SK a bath and then Grey jumped in there at the last minute "take picture me too wif Sosie Kate." Emma Claire would be real quick to tell you that he didn't do anything with SK, she did.

How sweet! I love this one and they love each other. Isn't that darling?

SK still happy even after her bath.

There's more to come from our spring break adventures, I just don't have time to post it all this morning, I have to go now and be "mama" today. We had a birthday party for Grey while we were there, I can't believe my little guy is almost 3. No pics of him in his underwear this time though, I made him wear clothes b/c we had a lot of company.
Please be in prayer for Sophie Kate's therapy this week. This surgery has caused a HUGE setback in therapy, all of her therapists have commented on it. She has lost a lot of the progress that we had been making, we've got a huge task of catchup ahead of us and SK is not real big on cooperating on any of it. It's back to reality here. I hope we can survive the 2 months until school's officially out, there are no more breaks, yuck!!
Thanks for checking in on us, have a good Monday.